Ratecard Meetings juillet 2024 - Le Touquet

C Wire


At C Wire, we empower both advertisers and publishers to fully harness their advertising capabilities on the reliable foundation of the web you trust. Our cutting-edge technology allows you to: - Invest in premium media through direct relationships. - Unlock the true potential of the trusted web, regardless of browsers and devices, achieving 100% cookieless precision. - Finally, uphold consumer privacy as a paramount priority. Using our proprietary advanced AI and NLP-based cookieless technology, we empower advertisers to effortlessly connect with all users, achieving unparalleled results. For programmatic buyers, our Buyer Pro seamlessly transitions any DSP into the realm of cookieless efficacy. Advertisers and agencies benefit from our array of exceptional, high-impact ad formats across our extensive ad network, consistently demonstrating exceptional performance in terms of bounce rates and session durations. For publishers, our SSP and Ad Network enhance the monetization of their cookieless inventory, unlocking new revenue streams. Based in Zurich, Switzerland, our ever-expanding team operates from locations including Zurich, Belgrade, Vienna, and beyond.

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